Tree Planting
Installation and establishment of landscape plants starts with species selection. Choose the right plant for the location. Consider things like mature tree canopy, sunlight, plant hardiness, branch structure, resistance to insects and plant diseases. Landscape stock comes in varying sizes and can be balled and burlap, container, or field spaded. Planting can be done in most seasons but not during the heat of summer. Dig an oversize receiving hole, add soil amendments, insert tree, build a tree ring, guy tree (protect conductive tissue), water and mulch and water some more. Things to consider are starting roots that are root bound, never plant trees too deep, and always remove tree baskets and peel burlap down. Newly transplanted trees will require additional water and limited amounts of plant nutrients (low nitrogen) during establishment. We can provide organic plant health care programs for your newly planted and recently transplanted trees.
For more details regarding proper soil amendments read the following CSU Extension article on "Choosing a Soil Amendment".
Root girdling caused by too many years in a container